Saturday, April 7, 2012

The federal war on women

The war on women didn't start yesterday, its been a long slow slide towards the Dark Ages.  Girl Scouts didn't suddenly become the "training ground for homosexuals and promiscuity", the Christian right wing has been working on this for years.  And so we must be vigilant, we must be aware of the voting records of our legislators.  We must stand together in support of freedom and the rights we have worked hard and many have died to obtain.  We can not return to the days of yore, when women were chattel and had no rights.

So I will post Federal legislation here that attacks our rights as American citizens.  If you are aware of others, please comment and I will add them

In Georgia, the "women as livestock" bill has now passed through both houses and is heading to the Governor who will likely sign it.    Another leap backward for women.

Every Republican on Senate Judiciary Committee Voted against Renewing the Violence Against Women Act (Feb 26, 2012)

Information on personhood amendments that have been introduced across the US

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Herstories: Because anti-choice legislation affects real people

Its important that we continue to tell the stories of the women affected by the anti-choice legislation that is being passed across the US.   It is important that all listen.  Its important that those that consider themselves pro-life realize the impact of the legislation they support.  Life is not black and white, life is shades of many colors, including grey.  Life does not give us easy decisions - we struggle, we make choices where we are, with what we have at that point in time.  Its important to recognize that.  Its imperative we listen.  And so here we tell the herstories of so many women. 

(1) Danielle Deaver was 22 weeks pregnant when her water broke and doctors gave her a devastating prognosis: With undeveloped lungs, the baby likely would never survive outside the womb, and because all the amniotic fluid had drained, the tiny growing fetus slowly would be crushed by the uterus walls. Yet, Danielle had to wait more than a week to deliver baby Elizabeth, who died after just 15 minutes. Danielle's life was placed in serious risk because of Nebraska's fetal pain legislation.  Doctors were forced to violate their the Hippocratic oath they had taken when they are prevented from treating Danielle.

(2) Lizzie Seeberg was a young co-ed at St. Mary's College.  Like many college women she trusted men who did not deserve her trust.  Like many women who report assault, she was vilified.  Her reputation was destroyed by the very people and institutions that she and her family trusted - the institution into which her family entrusted their daughter.  Lizzie is not alone....